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Green Peas Planting Care And Harvesting Guide

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Scientific cultivation of Green Peas

Green Green Peass is an important crop of our country. Green Peas is a cool season crop which is grown successfully in many parts of the country. Green Peass are used as pulses and vegetables in the diet. By cultivating which you can earn a lot.

Green Green Peass This is a great crop for more income in less time. Among pulse crops, Green Peas is the crop prepared in less time. Green Peas also have an important place in pulse crops. Green Peas can be cultivated in less time to get yield, nowadays Green Peas are preserved and sold in the market throughout the year.

And after drying it it is also used as Matar Dal. This crop is also used as fodder for animals. The month of October-November is suitable for the cultivation of vegetable Green Peas.

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Which varieties should be selected so that the production is of quality and more is available?

Green Peas is actually a cash crop and the farmer brothers get good income in a very short time. There are three types of varieties of Green Peas according to their maturity period which are as follows

1) Early Green Pea varieties: About 60 to 65 days after sowing the seeds are ready for harvesting, the main ones are Kashi Nandini, Arkal, Aseta – 6. Bonbil, and Rachna etc.

(2) Mid-duration Green Pea varieties: Seeds are ready for harvest after about 70 days of sowing, such varieties are the main ones like Kashi Uday, Azad P-3 etc.

(3) Medium Late Green Pea Varieties: – In the varieties of this duration, such varieties come whose pods are usually ready for harvesting in 80-100 days. Azad P-1, Kashi Samarth etc. are prominent in this type of variety.

(4) Varieties resistant Green Pea to powdery mildew: This type of variety is suitable for late cultivation because late Green Peas crops are more prone to powdery mildew disease. Some varieties which are resistant to this disease are Kashi Mukti, Arka Ajit etc.

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 When should Green Peas be sown?

The main time for sowing vegetable Green Peas varies from region to region of the country. The main time for sowing of vegetable Green Peas seeds in North India is the month of October-November whereas in hilly areas like Jammu Kashmir, hills of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand where winters are more, March-April is the suitable time for sowing seeds. The appropriate time for sowing of varieties of different duration in North India is as follows.

How to prepare the field for progressive cultivation of Green Peas?

While preparing the field for advanced cultivation of vegetable Green Peas, it must be kept in mind that there is sufficient moisture in the field or not. If it is not there, then the field should be ploughed in advance and when oat comes in the field, then the field should be prepared. The soil of the field should be made friable by doing the first ploughing of the field with disc harrow and 2-3 ploughing with cultivator.

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It should be kept in mind that after every ploughing, make sure to apply the pata, due to which the field becomes a little too flat, due to which there is convenience in irrigation and moisture is also maintained. Green Peas should be sown only in those fields in which Green Peas were previously cultivated, otherwise nodules are not formed in the roots and the yield is also slightly less than normal. For this the seeds must be treated with bacterial culture (Rhizovium).

 What is the need of bacterial culture for Green Peas cultivation?

Culture is a live bacterium (culture) by which, after seed treatment, a good number of thickets are formed in the roots of Green Peas plants, which take nitrogen from the atmosphere and make it available to the plants. Before sowing the seeds, the seeds must be treated with bacterial culture.

To purify the seeds, take a packet of bacterial culture + properties or sugar jaggery + water, make a thick solution of the above in a vessel and spread the seeds in the shade after purifying them with this prepared culture. After that, when the moisture dries up, it is sown.

Read More: Farming of Vegetables in Controlled Environment.

What is the proper soil and temperature for Green Peas cultivation?

Soil quality is an important basis for Green Peas cultivation. Green Peas can be cultivated in different types of soil, but still deep loamy soil (whose PH 6-7.5) is considered more fertile. After harvesting the kharif crop, one deep ploughing should be done and after that two ploughing should be done with cultivator or rotavator to make the field flat and friable and to get good yield of Green Peas, there should be proper arrangement of drainage in the land so that soil Air movement can be done properly. Water should not be allowed in the Green Peas field.

In fact Green Peas are a cool season crop. In today’s modern era, Green Peas can also be grown under controlled temperature. 15-30°C temperature is considered appropriate for open Green Peas cultivation and 15-20°C temperature should be there at the time of its harvesting and where annual rainfall is 60 to 80 cm, Green Peas crop can be grown successfully. Is. If it rains during the growth of Green Peas plants, it is harmful for the plants. High and well drained land is absolutely suitable for Green Peas.

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Which is the improved technique for sowing Green Peas?

Vegetable Green Peas seeds should be sown with a seed drill machine, so that the seeds fall at a uniform depth and distance, which saves 20-25 percent of the seeds. If the seeds are sown by the sprinkling method, the seed rate is almost equal to two times and There is also less accumulation.

When and how should irrigation be done in Green Peas crop? ,

By the way, Green Peas do not require much irrigation. If Green Peas have been sown by ploughing, irrigation should be done when 50 percent of the fans have flowered. Irrigation should always be done with the help of sprinkler (sprinkler method or drip method).

If sprinkler is not available then light irrigation should be done. Keep in mind that as soon as the water spreads in the beds, the flow of water in the beds should be stopped. Due to excess of water, the plants turn yellow and get uprooted and the fruits are killed. ,

Read More: Nematode Management In Vegetables.

In what quantity and when should fertilizers be used in Green Peas crop?

Since it is a leguminous vegetable, knots are found in its roots which extract nitrogen from the atmosphere and give it to the plants. Due to this, the requirement of nitrogenous fertilizers is less. On an average, 40-60 kg per hectare of land. Nitrogen, 60 kg. Phosphorus and 60 kg. Potash is required.

If the use of fertilizers is done after testing the soil, then it will be very good. Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash seeds in Green Peas should be mixed well before sowing all the seeds in the field. They don’t do topdressing of nitrogen in this.

If weeds have grown in Green Peas, what measures should be taken for this?

Green Peas is an early vegetable crop, so it is necessary to keep the field free from weeds for 20-25 days after the beginning. Therefore, within 20-25 hours of seed sowing, a solution of 3.3 liters of pendi methelin in 700-800 liters of water should be sprinkled on the entire field, because of this, weeds do not grow in the field for the first 30-35 days. In this way the fruit is abundant. When weed control is done by hand, the stems of the plants are damaged due to which the fruits are killed.

Read More: How vegetables Related to Our Health.

Which are the important diseases in Green Peas crop?

Pod borer – This insect causes 10 to 90 percent damage to flowers and pods. If the prevention of this insect is not done early, then it causes heavy damage to the crop.

Prevention- At the time of its initial damage, spray Carbaryl 900 gm per 100 liters of water per acre. Can be reused if needed

There are many types of diseases in Green Peas crop. Prevention of diseases and pests is essential. So that the producers can get the desired yield from its crop. Some of which are as follows-

The attack of this pest starts in the initial stage of the plant, in which the caterpillar makes a tunnel in the leaves and eats the green part. Due to which irregular shaped white colored lines are formed in the leaves.

Prevention- To prevent this, keep 15 liters of 40-50 days old cow urine in a copper utensil and boil it with 5 kg of dhatura leaves and stems and when 7.5 liters of cow urine is left, take it off the fire and cool it and filter it and sprinkle it in the crop.

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Aphids- Sometimes aphids also cause a lot of damage to the Green Peas crop. The outbreak of this pest usually starts after January. Along with sucking the sap of the insect, it also leaves poisonous elements.

Prevention- For this put 10 liters of cow urine and 2.5 kg of neem leaves in it and let it rot for 15 days. Filter this cow urine after 15 days and then sprinkle it.

Blight disease – In this the roots of the plant turn black and later dry up. that dries up the plant

Prevention- To prevent this, the seed should be treated with Thiram 3 gm or Carbendazim 2 gm per liter of water before sowing.

Brown Roga- Blight in Green Peas plant blight disease spreads due to fungus. In this, brown spots are formed on the leaves, stems and pods, the plants affected by this disease start withering in the beginning. And when the disease progresses, the roots of the plant turn brown.

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Prevention- Collect the remains of plants affected by this disease and burn them. And before the symptoms of the disease Green Peas on the crop, spray garlic clove liquid (2%) at an interval of 7 days. Plant disease resistant varieties.

 When should the Green Peas crop be harvested?

The harvesting of well-prepared Green Peas pods should be done only in soft and soft condition according to their maturity period, in this way a total of 2-3 harvestings at an interval of one week gives good results.

What is the total yield of Green Peas pods per hectare?

The yield of green Green Green Peass from one hectare area is 80-100 cu / ha in early varieties. And 100-125 cu/ha in medium and late varieties.

What will be the total profit?

One lakh to one and a half lakh rupees profit can be obtained by extracting the cost from the progressive cultivation of Green Peas.


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